Dutch warmblood, born 2004. Zaïra is the sweetest and most open horse I have ever met. Since 2011 she is a part of my life. After a splendid start in the academic art of riding my world shattered when she became lame because of sidebones (severe ossification of the cartillage in the front feet) and and fracture in one of them. After a long and difficult period I decided to continue her training and to find out how I could help her be more comfortable in her body. As a result, Zaïra is sound in all gaits.
Haflinger, born 2000. Andor used to be a lesson horse on de Paardenmaat, until he had a severe tendon injury. In 2013 I started training him in hand to see if I could rehabilitate him. To everybody’s surprise, our fat, lazy haflinger was super talented! With his amazing motivation he developed fast. In 2014 we did our groundwork/lungeing test and squiretest in the same weekend. Andor is my rock and my zenmaster.
PRE, born 2005. Silla came onto my path in 2017, when I was not looking for another horse. But Silla stole my heart the first time I met her, and in August she came home. Silla did not have the best start in the human world. She is hotheaded and very sensitive, which is a difficult and beautiful combination. Every day when she touches her nose to my face I am the happiest girl in the world.
PRE mare (2013). Cataleya is a popular riding teacher at the Paardenmaat, but is often ‘stolen’ for the art. She has a heart of gold and a lot of talent. Together we train carefully for the next level. She is a special horse, with whom I feel a deep connection from the moment we met.
PRE ruin (2018). Geboren en getogen op de Paardenmaat en helaas beperkt door een afwijking in zijn lage hals. Samen puzzelen we in stap aan de hand hoe Eron het beste fit blijft. Een fantastisch paard om mee te werken.
PRE ruin (2022). In 2024 was ik voorzichtig op zoek naar een paard om vanaf het begin zelf op te leiden. Toen ik Zafiro ontmoette voelde ik meteen: ik ben thuis. En zo voelt het nog steeds. Ik kijk uit naar alles wat komen gaat en geniet ontzettend van het samenzijn nu.
Grateful for the years we spent together. I carry them, and the lessons they have taught me, with me as my path continues.